Powerful Prayers For Nigeria In Distress- Prayer For Nigeria

It’s important we pray for the Nation in which we live. You can believe me that when the nation is at peace, things will really go well with the citizens of the place. We have no nation except Nigeria because that is where we inhabitant at the moment.

prayer for nigeria
prayer for Nigeria

Prayer is very important in the life of everybody. Daniel in the bible prayed for 21 days for a particular answer to come. Even when his answers were held captive, Daniel was still praying. Prayers are very important. We all should locate the place Prayers for our own Good.

Considering all that has been happening, the rise of the dollar, scarcity, and all that, prayers for Nigeria are something we should do for the good of this great nation. We will be sharing out some powerful prayers for Nigeria because I know when we pray, our God will answer us.

Powerful Prayer Points For Nigeria

Below are some amazing and powerful prayer points for Nigeria at large. Do well to read down so that you will also learn what to pray for Nigeria.

1. Father in the name of Jesus, I pray that Nigeria will be a better place, No power will stop Nigeria from reaching the height you have placed us to be, We will be greater than this, in the name of Jesus. Amen

2. My lord my God we cry to you in one accord concerning our country Nigeria. We pray that something good will happen in Nigeria, No power will stop us, Things will stabilize, give us the grace make it in Nigeria Amen!

3. In the name of Jesus, the Ancient of days lion of the tribe of Judea, we pray for this Nation Nigeria. Let your power cover us from all evil people. There shall be no war, there shall be peace in all corners of this Nation. Let your love guide us and bind us together. Amen

4. Father in the name of Jesus, Oh Lord my God i pray for our leaders in Nigeria. Give them the wisdom and understanding to lead us aright. Let them carry us to the promise land, Let there be no innovations that will enhance the people of the nation through Jesus our Lord we pray amen.

5. Father in the name of Jesus. I pray for Nigeria. Let there be a favor from other countries. Let them show us love an let them offer a helping hand that will benefit us. Father make a way for us where there is no way and at the end we will have every course to give you glory Amen.

6. Oh Lord my God, Mighty God, we pray that you alone will be for us alone in this country. Let your blood preserve our families. Let all the families in Nigeria be blessed amen.

7. In the name of Jesus. Lord God we pray for all the sick people in Nigeria, Oh God let your mighty healing hands be upon them amen. Let them recover in Jesus’ name amen.

8. Father Lord God the ancient of days. We commit all the innocent people in prison in Nigeria. lord God let there be their Judge, vindicate them lord and let your glory be upon them, amen.

9. Lord and merciful father, we pray in the name of Jesus, Lord we cover all the schools in Nigeria. Guide all-out children in school, Amen ad amen.

10. My father, i pray that you will help us to show love to one another in Nigeria. You are just too much. Amen.

11. Lord my God, Father we pray for an answer to prayers, you have not failed and you will not fail.  You are too much to fail. Blessed be your name in the highest. Amen

12. Father lord most high. thou at mighty beyond all creatures. Let there be divine intervention in the name of Jesus. Lord Go come to our rescue in Nigeria so that we will give you all the glory for ever and ever amen and amen.

13. Father in the name of Jesus, we pray for the needy in Nigeria. Lord provide for them and grant them the grace to enjoy your provision. In the name of Jesus.

14. Father lord my maker. I pray Lord God that you show us mercy and love. bless the things we lay our hands to do in Nigeria. Let there be customers from all around in the name of Jesus, Amen.

15. Oh Lord my God, we pray for all pregnant women in Nigeria, let them deliver like the Hebrew women, mother alive baby alive. there shall be no death in the cause of childbirth. This we ask through christ out lord amen.

I hope you found this post interesting, prayer for Nigeria will go a long way to help our nation. do you have any questions regarding this post? kindly make it known to us via the comment session below.

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